Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lovey Dopey

Lovey Dopey

the sun shine brightening the day,
the day like i live in a dream of fairy tale,
by the time i woke up,
seeing you with your eyes shut close,
with the smile on your face,
you're having a good dream,
when the moon light rise,
kiss me good night,
because you're my beautiful dream,
hug me tight,
love me more even more,
your warmth smile,
make my heart melt every moment that i glimpse,

as the time flow within us,
we grow old and grey,
we may forget the memories between you and me,
but i promise, one thing.

The smile of your,
make the time stop, 
by just looking into each other eyes,
and fate make me realize,
you're mine. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Peter Pan

Shoot me among the stars,
I’ll be flying around the skies,
Smiling down to earth,
I’m here when the night fall,
Moonlight shine upon you,
Hide your wasteful tears,
Come fly with me,
Play beyond your imagination,
Don’t worry beautiful,
I got you,
There are thousand words to be spoken,
But it already describe in one smile of yours,
The glimpse to your eyes,
Its flowing thru my heart,
Wash me away from everything,

I was meant for you and I always do.